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4 January 2024

Space Drive System

Space Drive is a groundbreaking digital technology that empowers individuals with mobility issues to experience safe and comfortable driving. This innovative system is designed to provide users with complete control over their vehicle, allowing them to operate the brake, accelerator, and steering using a variety of inputs such as a customized joystick, gas/brake lever, or mini steering wheel, depending on their specific needs and abilities. Additionally, voice command modules are available, providing even greater flexibility and ease of use. With Space Drive, individuals with mobility issues can enjoy greater independence and freedom, helping to improve their overall quality of life.

Examples of some of the driver input controls:

Mini Steering Wheel

Space Drive Mini Steering Wheel f338ccc6

Steering/Accelerator/Brake Joystick

Space Drive Joy Stick 36f85790

Electronic Drive Mode/Gear Selector

Space Drive Electronic Gear Selector 55567567

Space Drive is a revolutionary system that provides a safe and reliable solution for individuals with disabilities to drive from their wheelchair in a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV). This system is perfect for those who require the use of a wheelchair and prefer to drive independently.

For drivers with more mobility, we offer a range of rotating and height adjustable seats that can be easily fitted to the vehicle. This allows for a seamless transition from wheelchair to driver's seat, while still maintaining the necessary level of accessibility and safety.

We understand that every individual has unique needs and requirements. That's why we offer a personalized approach to our design process, ensuring that the system is tailored to suit any disability and vehicle. With our expertise and commitment to innovation, we can create a solution that works for you.

We recently made some alterations to our client Gem Turner's vehcicle in order to accomodate a new wheelchair. Gem, who is a disability blogger, consultant and content creator, has Space Drive installed in her vehicle (visit Gem's website). Click on the photo  below to see Gem's video explaining how she drives using the system. 

gem in passenger side